MPEA is lead by 9 elected members that you vote in to represent you, they consist of: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and 5 at-large positions. In 2024, there are 4 seats up for election – Vice President, Secretary, and 2 At-Large Members. Voting is taking place February 26-March 8 and you should have received an email from Secretary, Ann Thelen on Monday February 26 with a ballot and instructions to vote, which we are including below:
- Download a copy of the ballot and fill it out (We recommend you vote for Lindsey Silas, Rebecca Gaida, James Coleman, & Tate Nguyen)
- From your email, attach the ballot and send it to
If you’re ready to become a member of MPEA please visit the official MPEA website and complete this online registration form and email it to the current MPEA Secretary, Ann Thelen. Unfortunately, MPEA Executive Officers set a restrictive voter/member registration date in 2024. Members enrolled after January 12, 2024 are ineligible to vote in this year’s Board elections. YourMPEA is disappointed in this decision and we implore the Board to consider extending that deadline before voting begins.